Saturday, March 7, 2015

Computers Overview

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Computer technology is currently taking center stage in everyday lives. The increasing use of computer technology in our lives has resulted in a new improved way of thinking, living and working. Today, Computers are no longer specialized tools used only by scientists or engineers. They do not hum behind sealed glass walls in climate-controlled environments. Now, they are put to use for all sorts of applications ranging from complex calculations in the field or front line research. engineering simulations, education, printing books and recreational games. They have become so deeply embedded in our society that almost no activity would be possible without them. 

Definition of a computer
The word computer is derived from  the latin word "Computare" which means "to calculate". Computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and automatically manipulates data, and provides outputs in a useful format. Computer operates under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit. A set of detailed, step by step instructions that tells a computer how to solve a problem or carry out a task is known as a computer program. The steps in a computer program are written in a language that the computer can understand.

Data and information
Data is the raw material of computer system. It consists of the raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images and sound. It simply exists and has no significance beyond its existence. After data is processed through the computer, they formed a desired output which serves some purpose. These resultant facts are known as information. Data becomes information when you understand what it means. Computers process data and people use information. The process of changing data into information is known as information processing cycle. Data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the information from one stages may be considered the raw data of the next. 

Four basic functions of a computer
A computer performs the following four functions.

Input: A compute accepts the input given by the user, Input is any information that a computer collects from the outside world. It can be in the form of data, programs, commands and user response.
Storage: A computer stores data. The input is stored in the memory of the computer for initial or additional processing and it can be retrieved, whenever required.
Processing: A computer process data. Processing is a systematic series of actions that a computer uses to convert input to output.
Output: A computer produces output. Output is any computer generated information displayed in screen or printed on paper. it can be in the form of words, numbers, graphics, sounds, videos and animations.

Importance of a computer:

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