Sunday, February 2, 2014

Internet, Intranet, Extranet & Cyber Law

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WWW is a series of services of that interconnected through hypertext. Hypertext is a method of presenting information in which certain text are highlighted and when we sele
ct that, it displays more information on a particular topics/ This can be done by using the hypertext mark up language (html). these highlighted items are called hyperlinks and allows the users to navigate from one documents to another. Combining these all features can develop and design a webpaged which is generally called world wide web. For Ex:-

Internet is a network of network. It is generally used to transfer data or program from one computer to another by using a set of rules with the help of telecommunication line. It is design & develop to issue for public use and not restricted for anyone. To use internet we need modem, the specification and password which is provided by Internet service provider. 

An Intranet is the LAN or WAN that uses transmission protocol, Internet protocol but belongs exclusively to an organization, corporation or school. It is accessible to the workers of that organization only. To use this they are provided an individual  id and password which can be used within that organization only. 

An Extranet is similar to intranet but that can be accesed by outside the organization also. To used this, the user must have their own id & password which is provided by their organization. So Extranet is a similar to intranet but it is not restricted within one organization.

Cyber Law governs the illegal issue of cyber space. The term cyber space is not restricted to the internet. Cyber space is a very wide term that includes. 
(1) Computer (2) Computer Network (3) Internet (4) Data

Cyber law includes the laws relative to 
(i) Electronic and digital signature
(ii) Computer Crime
(iii) Intellectual Property
(iv) Data protection and privacy
(v) Tele-communication laws


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