Sunday, February 9, 2014

Database and it's features and advantage

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Introduction :- In traditional data processing the data is inputted to the computer to get certain output. Each program or application is designed in isolation in the sense that it has it's own set of data files. thus, there is every chance that the same data could be present in more than one files. Such a situation leads to data redundancy and wastage of storage space.

In order that all user can access data with same quality and security, the duplication of file has to be kept to a minimum level by integrating all the files in the form of database. More precisely the database can be defined as an integrated collection of related files that acts an a single centralized data bank for the many data processing application.

Database Management System (DBMS)
Database system are manage by software program called DBMS. DBMS can be defined as a set of program that control the creation, maintenance and utilization of database of an organization. In other words, a database management system is a software that acts as the interface between users, other programs and database itself.  

DBMS provides the following basics services to the user.

(1) Database creation: Database helps to create the necessary database as well as to enter the required data into the database.

(2) Database maintenance : DBMS also performs the database maintenance task such as addition, deletion, correction and updation of data.

(3) Data processing : DBMS process the queries of users and retrieves the necessary information from the table or database.

Feature of DBMS
(1) Creating database file
(2) Entering database record
(3) Sorting the database record 
(4) Deleting records
(5) Updating records
(6) Searching records
(7) Printing records

  • Creating database file : DBMS provides the facility to create a database file, where the user can supply different field's name & data types. After creating database, user can save that for future reference .
  • Entering database records : Once the database has been created, user can display the structure of different files and can supply different records according to field name.
  • Sorting database records : DBMS allows the user to arrange the records in some predefined order is known as sorting of records. We can sort the records of database in two ways, that is either descending or ascending. 
  • Deleting records : Removing unnecessary records from the database is called deleting the records. DBMS  provides the facility to delete any records or file from database which are not usable.
  • Updating records : DBMS also provides the facility to update the records from the database which means to add, delete or changed the existing records of the database.
  • Searching records : Searching records mean to look through a file and to locate the required data from the database. DBMS allows the user to multiple records at a time by entering the search parameter to locate the specific records containing these data. 
  • Printing records : DBMS allows the users to print records of database and customize to output of database records. This is possible of the report generation. 
Advantage of DBMS

(1) Reduce data redundancy : In non-database system, each application has it's own private file. This file can lead to considerable redundancy in data, causing wastage of memory space, but with the application of database approach, such types redundancy can be removed.

(2) Reduce Processing effort : A user need not write program for activities such as quering report generation, addition or deletion of data in database etc. So the processing effort can be reduced with the help of DBMS.

(3) Data independence : Any changes in the layout of data doesn't effect all applications manipulating one database.

(4) Information protection : Since there's a centralized control of various files, the data is protected.
(5) Reduce cost : By using database, we can reduce the wastage of memory space as well as processing effort, which helps to reduce overall cost of the organization.


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