Friday, January 17, 2014

Create and verify Your OkPay Account.

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Okpay is also the payment processor like Paypal, Moneybookers, Payza, etc. We can easily create a account in Okpay and verify the account. We can create okpay account from any country which have full services. Here is the procedures for creating account and making verifying it.
Click here to Create a Okpay account.
1. Click on Sign up . 
2. Select Personal.
3. Select country, enter email id , enter mobile number which you are using, first name, last name. (which is on your legal documents like passport, license etc) At last enter a password which you want to keep in both place. 
 Tips for password keeping:  You should mixed all capital letter, small letter and number. for Example: Kathmandu9         (here K: capital letter,  9: Numbers and  athmandu: small letters)
4. Now Click Agree and Create account.

To be continue for verifying process


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