free-domain names in the market today. There are plenty of free web-hosting service now in market. Here are some list of it:
Zymic ( :- It is one of the most popular and highly user rated free web-hosting service providers.
Provide 6 GB disk space per account with unlimited account users.
50 GB monthly data transfer.
developer friendly hosting services.
supports latest version of PHP and up to 3 MYSQL database.
provides control panel of with basic features.
000webhost ( :- It is another popular service for free web hosting which is Ad-free.
It provides 1.5 GB Space and 100GB data transfer.
Provide 5 Add-on Domains and 5 sub-domains along with 5 email addresses.
Include no advertisement.
Provides Web Space of 2500 MB and a monthly bandwidth 100GB.
Limited MYSQL Space of 50 MB and 10 Add-on Domains and 10 parked Domains.
to be continued . . . . . .
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